Thursday, October 21, 2010

new yooooork!

has it really been more than a month since i last blogged? yikes! well, i'm back, fully re-charged and amped to share so many things with you since we last left off. let's rewind...

for two awesome weeks in september i spent my days working and more importantly frolicking around nyc...i fell in love and am counting the days until i go back to that beautiful city. the crisp fall weather, the inspirational street fashion (plus it was fashion week!!!), shopping galore and of course fab food at every corner. here are some pics documenting my journey!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

M.I.A. ........... old news...

...once again the team here at Fantasy disappears off the face of the Earth. Swarmed with work and new projects we have come to the realization that running this company requires a couple of bottles of uppers and some steroids. On the real, eighteen hour shifts are starting to really get to us.
      no worries.... we are, yet again, in the midst of some major renovations and plans to do some overhauling throughout the whole company. With the addition of a new employee we have lightened the loads of our daily routines but are finding out that we need to continue expanding in order to get to where we need to be.
We plan on purchasing new machinery and are in the process of setting up an internship with UC Berkeley students who want to learn how to screen print and receive credits. Can you believe it? We might become teachers! ha..! or professors! shiiiieet... I can see Johnny boy now..... Professor Corpuz.... in his suit... Kenneth Cole Laptop bag... and of course his three feet of beautiful mane and hair. hooOo

On a serious note... more to come soon....keep posted with us...