Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ngum Chum: Once a cheater.... always a........

Once a cheater.....always a... what...... cheater? Really....? Are people so innately bad at recovery that once they have tasted something so tempting and flat out wrong that it is almost impossible to resist again? To me..I feel.... why cheat? if you're gonna do it..... you might as well break up with that poor fool first....Alas, there are always x-factors. X-factors....those wonderful reasons (or sometimes excuses) people have for justifying their sinful actions. Bad connection....bad communication....bad car even..... every reason under the sun, someone can dish out any rationale to literally absolve them of their wrongdoings. I're either faithful....or you're not. And in some extreme cases, being faithful can mean more than just resisting physical temptation.
     I had a friend once (key word......had) who was on track to marrying his lovely girlfriend of his. And though he had past complications with previous relationships where he had, in fact, cheated with his ex's he seemed to be on the fast lane to becoming a real man by entering the world of matrimony and starting an honest life. I admired his energy and perseverance to solidify his relationship with his girlfriend. and then.... BAM! cheat #6.... or was it #5.... or #6........ whatever the F it was.... I couldn't have even begun to fathom that scenario..... being repeated.....again...... but here we are.....again. And I am left to wonder whether or not someone like my friend would ever cheat again having already cheated once before.... or in this case over 6 times.
     Is Tiger really sorry..... for the countless times of infidelity? Can he really get help for his sex addiction? Is he sorry for what he did.... or sorry he was caught.... mofo sounded quite calm and collected giving his apology speech....and I must say I must say..... Oscar worthy performance. Didn't even break a sweat..... on the green and under the sheets! You many more times would he have gone smashing every chica he can get his hands on.....before he thinks to himself...."damn, I'm a douche.... I gotta stop this." I guess the saying goes: "Nike....Just do it.....Tiger Would"
     Even after all the dust has settled I do feel, with some regard to those who have made a mistake (because we all make mistakes) that they can truly reform and move on. However, on a triple reversed argument, I HAVE YET TO SEE SUCH REFORM! I've been cheated on. One of my best friends has been cheated on... hell my aunt's been swindled too.... haven't met a cheater gone cheatless. Fill me in........ what do you think about cheaters..... do they really have a threshold before they come clean?..... or are they dirty fo' life!? What do your experiences tell you....... and what does your gut instinct tell you?

how this could pertain to a t-shirt design.... I have no idea.........................but it could!

Back at it....again.....

Once again, we have infiltrated our storefront with mounds and mounds of overstocked t-shirts and sweaters..... we are making room for the new equipment we recently purchased to upgrade our printing facilities. Keep posted with us as we will be updating everyone with information on our last "final hoorah" sale of all sales ( which will include $1 and $2 blank tees... for the first time ever...$3 hoodies!!!) holy....!
    by the were right Derrick....... damn

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ngum Chum: Could YOU quit your day job.....?

     I have quite possibly one of the most rewarding jobs I can ever imagine doing..... I take clothes and decorate them so that people can wear them. I am a screenprinter....a certified, bona fide fashion designer if you will.... damn proud of it too. I have the joy of seeing a finished product that comes out of my shop from start to finish; a process that few of us get to really experience and take in. I must say... I am one of the lucky ones...
     Don't get me wrong though.....this was not a career path I was intending to follow coming out of college..... come to think of it.....I would have never seen any of this coming. Creating designs for t-shirts....working one on one with customers...managing a storefront. Yea didn't see it coming. No, I was fully prepared to join the traditional workforce and earn a living with a respectable nine to fiver. Things sometimes just turn out differently I guess. And screenprinting would have been on the top of my list of jobs I would have died to do had I started out with some entry level position in a large corp.....
     With that in mind...I feel having the right opportunity is definitely key to finding that perfect job (case in point; myself) ...however, some might never get it. Maybe you just have to think outside the box to create your own opportunity...I don't know. But what I do know is...everyone has a story with what they do. You might have a job just because...shit....there aren't any other jobs....  You may have a job that gets you by... but cha-chings in the dough. Maybe a place you've been working for a long time that doesn't pay much, but you're loyal as heck...though in the end you dream of that bookstore you've been dying to open up. Bar? Ballet studio?? porn shop???   Whatever the case may be....fill me in.......what do you do, and what do you WANT to do...  on the real.... put it all out on the table.. I'm interested in the entrepreneurial spirits we have among us... and the visions that drive those spirits.

Monday, February 1, 2010

A taste of things to come.

Fantasy T-Shirts' new office!