Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ngum Chum: Once a cheater.... always a........

Once a cheater.....always a... what...... cheater? Really....? Are people so innately bad at recovery that once they have tasted something so tempting and flat out wrong that it is almost impossible to resist again? To me..I feel.... why cheat? if you're gonna do it..... you might as well break up with that poor fool first....Alas, there are always x-factors. X-factors....those wonderful reasons (or sometimes excuses) people have for justifying their sinful actions. Bad connection....bad communication....bad car even..... every reason under the sun, someone can dish out any rationale to literally absolve them of their wrongdoings. I're either faithful....or you're not. And in some extreme cases, being faithful can mean more than just resisting physical temptation.
     I had a friend once (key word......had) who was on track to marrying his lovely girlfriend of his. And though he had past complications with previous relationships where he had, in fact, cheated with his ex's he seemed to be on the fast lane to becoming a real man by entering the world of matrimony and starting an honest life. I admired his energy and perseverance to solidify his relationship with his girlfriend. and then.... BAM! cheat #6.... or was it #5.... or #6........ whatever the F it was.... I couldn't have even begun to fathom that scenario..... being repeated.....again...... but here we are.....again. And I am left to wonder whether or not someone like my friend would ever cheat again having already cheated once before.... or in this case over 6 times.
     Is Tiger really sorry..... for the countless times of infidelity? Can he really get help for his sex addiction? Is he sorry for what he did.... or sorry he was caught.... mofo sounded quite calm and collected giving his apology speech....and I must say I must say..... Oscar worthy performance. Didn't even break a sweat..... on the green and under the sheets! You many more times would he have gone smashing every chica he can get his hands on.....before he thinks to himself...."damn, I'm a douche.... I gotta stop this." I guess the saying goes: "Nike....Just do it.....Tiger Would"
     Even after all the dust has settled I do feel, with some regard to those who have made a mistake (because we all make mistakes) that they can truly reform and move on. However, on a triple reversed argument, I HAVE YET TO SEE SUCH REFORM! I've been cheated on. One of my best friends has been cheated on... hell my aunt's been swindled too.... haven't met a cheater gone cheatless. Fill me in........ what do you think about cheaters..... do they really have a threshold before they come clean?..... or are they dirty fo' life!? What do your experiences tell you....... and what does your gut instinct tell you?

how this could pertain to a t-shirt design.... I have no idea.........................but it could!


  1. People make mistakes, we're human... but once a cheater, always a cheater. Its hard to change a person.

  2. Once a cheat always a cheat...hmmm? I'm not sure. I guess, it depends on the character of the person doing the cheating. Why are they cheating? From what my experience has shown me, it's more than just simply being horny. It's not even about being unsatisfied with their partner. I truly believe it has more to do with being unsatisfied with "self". Chalk it up to insecurity or low-self esteem. Those are two really big words that carry lots of ill vibes. C'mon, let's face it, nobody likes to seriously think of themselves as having either. I mean, I've heard people refer to themselves as having them but never in a really thoughtful, life altering way. It would seemingly be mentioned as an excuse, reason or cop-out as to why they did what they did. The more extreme are even more psychotic recognizing the flaw yet twisting it in such a way that they are able to actually believe that it's just the way they are and that their just being true to themselves by doing what they do. Now, that's some twisted ish. Case in point, that leads more to the innate moral fibers of the person aka, "character". I think serial cheaters are psychotic. Literally, as for the DSM-IV and for that...they need real help. Though, is it the case that, "Once psychotic, always psychotic?" I'm not sure. If psychos can get help, I suppose cheaters could too.

    From what I've seen, it's tough to get someone to stop doing anything they're successful in and even tougher to get someone to stop doing something they are unsuccessful in...if they like losing. Nobody likes losing as much as those that believe they are losers and that's a self-esteem issue. Not to be confused with confidence. Funny, thing is that I've found that people with very high confidence levels have some very low esteem levels. The false confidence acts to build their self perception rather than as a strong foundation of their self perception. In conclusion, it goes without saying that one seeking to build self perception will most likely do so by any means necessary. Sadly, that could easily lead to lying, cheating hurting others, being hurt, jail-time, death or even worse...your private parts bitten off!!! Go ahead and ask that cowboy, John Wayne Bobbitt.

  3. P.S. I ain't casting no stones. Lord knows....holy moly. Though, change is possible it's just real real hard. Again, does one have the character to make those changes?

  4. Speaking of John Wayne Bobbitt, I just had to post this as a reminder of why NOT to cheat.
    Check out the new Tiger Woods Pic too! Hilarious.

    Don't be a dick-head!

    Tiger got pounced on!

  5. Change IS possible! But you are right. It is really really hard. It is the content of your character that will truly tell if you can make those changes. and that pic is gross!!!

  6. I say that if you cheat and that is your stilo... represent it and don't lie... i know this is easier said than done... I know women who try to practice this straightforwardness and men that truly practice this as a lifestyle ...

    does anyone believe sexual addiction exists?

    exist in the way drug addiction exists?
    if you do believe it exists than you would agree that if one is addicted they can't stop... they need it, fiend it, want it like willing to ruin their life and life standing... my serious side says that whoever believes that there is a sex addiction, is just covering up their lies and trying to justify their need to be an asshole.... so maybe they don't feel the hurt when she come into the room and says, "who's fuckin panites are these asshole!!" and they don't want to feel the hurt in ..."damn, i fucked up.."

    BUT.... at the same time... I have taken in the sweet smell of a beautiful women... i have lived in that world and have been satisfied like none other and have satisfied others in such away that the sweat and tears roll down from my body and exhaustion has taken over the place and i can not move and i lie still thinking nothing... NOTHING..and feeling that... yes that... whatever "that" is... there are no words to explain what that is... but only a feeling... a feeling... this feeling is something deeply connected to a natural biological desire... something innate and not effected by years of socialism.. it is anthropologic... and yes some might even call it "addictive."

    The world and society tells us to be married to live in the box... to love in this box... to behave in this box...
    maybe the cheaters are the real ones... living life in the behavior that is innate in all of us the idea that we need to care for others and be cared for by others..
    but still it is wrong because there are laws against this sort of thing.. and thou shall not covet... and what type of society will we have if we live like this.... etc., etc.....

    it's best i think to live in this world by respecting those laws but always respect self... don't hurt others... but if that is your life explain, express, communicate your you needs and desires... do that first and throughout and hope that there is someone who understands and can follow your lead...
    otherwise, try to live in the box and don't complain.. that you are not Jack.. or Tiger, just do it...

    I'm about to eat a pizza with the boys at the shop... its going to be yummy.. i am going to have a vegetarian pizza because I can and i can say no to meat for now... but it's hard.. and the desire to eat more that 2 slices or eat just meat will creep up... but i will stop... hopefully i will stop... or pay the consequences for my actions...

    these are my confessions........confessions of a junkie...

  7. Johnny Boy says....

    In the past 2 years...I have heard of stories and actually knew multiple people who have cheated...and ALL of them were females cheating on their boyfriends and husbands even.

    So I guess you can add to this to the "CHEATER" Blog or make a new blog called "Once a Whore, always a Whore"
