Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ngum Chum: rock.....paper.......or scissors?

Is it random for you? cause for me... I always rely on the trusty "scissors" to start off a traditional ROCK PAPER SCISSORS game. It's instinctual...Imma cut you with my scissors...thats just me tho...
fill me in.... what do you choose first....or is it more of a guessing game? "hmm... he's more feminine.. he must be going with the paper..." or "shes so extreme....shes gonna counter with an extremely fisted rock.." I dont know... fill me in...

And I don't know about you...but I never thought that paper can beat rock.. seriously... you wrap the rock up but its gonna come tumbling out with it's brute strength and jaggedy edges... paper has no chance!


  1. I like to go with rock, because it is so hearty, like a bowl of chili. Why go with a paper? It reminds me of weak flat noodles. Scissors is pretty sneaky though....

  2. Ask BYG, somehow he ALWAYS loses.

  3. i'm sure we've all had our share of underhanded opponents who pull the half-rock half-scissors move that resembles an arthritic peace sign.

  4. rock = strong people who are very grounded. the ultimate protector. Usually men that are bigger than their better halves. the dominator in the relationship. with lesbians, its the one with the flannel and not the lipstick. with gays, its the one that knows more about sports. they go to the gym and like to work out and when they do they do 3 sets of 5 reps with max weight. they are not the brightest book on the shelf, but you always need a rock...women rocks are short and stumpy...

    Paper = usually neutral metro types that have a sensitive side of them. The straight guy that like to shop with their best girl friend and then go home and cook dinner for their wives. They are sensitive and will also take care of you, but they are lovers not fighters... paper people love to give hugs and like to be hugged. they are in the fields of helping others.... teacher, doctor, counselor. women paper are loving and can watch the superbowl without the commercials and will have beer with the guys....they are bubbly types.

    Scissors = these are usually the vindictive types that like to take revenge. they are the ones that will burn your clothes if you break up with them. the don't let you finish your sentences, but take long with theirs... they are usually the youngest born or the middle child... as opposed to the oldest who are rocks... they can sometimes be only children. they don't like to apologize.. they need a significant other that are Paper people. Rock and Scissors don't mix... the rock always wins and the scissors get butt hurt but only after they cook you rabbit soup...
